News by Traude Fritz TRADE & BUSINESS › Participations

Stanford | Engineering
Certificate of Participation TRAUDE FRITZ
Donnerstag, 4. November 2021, 12:32
2021 Summer Master Course Series
Participation at Webinar "Preparing for USMCA"
Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2021, 15:36
In this webinar you will find out which practical implications and framework conditions will come into effect for Austrian exporters and branches in Canada, Mexico and the USA on July 1st, the effective entry into force of the agreement.
International, Participations
mehr » Participation at "Webinar | Weltbank TVET Trends und Projekte"
Hold by the Foreign Trade Center Washington
Freitag, 16. Oktober 2020, 20:17
29th of October 2020
Participation at Affiliate Program Webinar Series- Methods of Innovation: From Concepts to Reality Webinar #4
Stanford University Nanoscale Prototyping Laboratory
Donnerstag, 24. September 2020, 10:00
The Hypothesis-Driven Startup and a New Model for Early-Stage Investing
Participation at GoStanford - "Stanford: Methods of Innovation" - Webinar #3
"From Concepts to Reality. Raising money in Silicon Valley - Preparation, Process, and Post Closing
Dienstag, 21. Juli 2020, 14:57
20th July 2020